Basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO, or search engine optimization, involves improving the volume of quality of traffic to your website from search engines like Google+, Yahoo and many others. White Hat SEO refers to website optimization strategies performed in accordance with the best practices…

How to Add Sitemap to Your WordPress Blog

Sitemaps make it easy for search engine spiders or crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. If you have a website or blog, you must add a sitemap to it. WordPress has some…

Insanely Simple SEO Trick to Start Ranking High

Blogging is not just about generating awesome content. It’s also about reaching out to an audience. Without traffic to your blog website, all of your effort yields little result. How do you attract people to your website? Search engines such…

Right Way to Use Anchor Text in Links

Blogs exist as a community, with direct connections and conversations with readers, fellow bloggers and their blogs. As a serious food blogger, you need to know your fellow bloggers and interact with them through blog comments, social media and direct…